
Recap: June Chapter Meeting with Rick Takahashi

Rick Takahashi was both our tier and presenter this month. He is an Umpqua Signature Tier and has authored a few books. He started off by tying several midge patterns, then gave a presentation focused on midges. Midges are a very important food source for trout year round. Rick covered the complete lifecycle of midges and what they are like at each stage. In the larvae stage, midges are tiny and wormlike with segmentation. Rick mentioned having success with red midge larvae patterns as that is a common color for the larvae. Eventually the midges will enter the pupae stage where they break out of their larval tube work their way up the water column. From there, an adult midge will escape its pupal shuck and fly off. There are two transitional phases not formally included in the midge lifecycle. The emerger phase is where a midge pupal has trapped gases in its pupal shuck to help it reach the surface of the water. The cluster phase is a collection of adult midges that are either mating or are trapped. Rick gave multiple example fly patterns for each stage. 

After laying out the life of a midge, Rick discussed effective ways to use midge patterns. He went over a few different knots and rigging techniques that he’s found useful (such as nonslip loops and Duncan loop knots). Then he covered various ways to fish these rigs and gave plenty of tips like using slip strike indicators in stillwater. 

Midges really are everywhere and are major food sources for trout. Please watch the recording on YouTube for all of the details from the presentation!

After the presentation, we had the meeting raffle. The prizes included a Orvis Hydros reel, some Cutthroat Chapter Yeti tumblers, and some flies. 

Recap: CCTU Green River Trip, 2024

An Unforgettable Adventure: The Annual Green River Fishing Trip

The sun peeked over the rugged cliffs, casting a golden glow on the emerald waters of the Green River at Flaming Gorge. It was that time of year again—the annual fishing trip that our chapter eagerly awaited. Our group consisted of the usual suspects plus five newcomers this year! We shared stories, laughter, and the occasional tall fish tale. The camaraderie was as essential as the fishing itself. This year, however, held something extra special: Tom’s 78th birthday celebration with the most delicious chocolate birthday cake made by Jerry’s wife.

The fishing gods smiled upon us. The weather forecast promised cloudy skies and mild temperatures, and we were excited about a blue-wing olive hatch (BWO). And oh, the trout! The Green River was generous this year. Each day we were graced with an awesome BWO hatch with fish aggressively feeding in the column and surface on emergers.

Mostly Brown trout, their spots like constellations, danced in the current. Several Rainbow trout leaped out of the water to grin and fin you while spitting your fly. Tom landed 30 – 40 fish each day with his guide from Old Moe’s.

Many enjoyed some good dry fly action each day to get their fix. One day, while seeking shelter along the bank of the river from a thunderstorm, a fish was rising consistently directly in front of us. It was teasing us, daring us to pick up a lightning rod! One cast with an awesome presentation is all it took for Alex to fool that fish. Alex grinned ear-to-ear when we erupted in applause and cheered like we were at the Super Bowl. The battle was fierce but short-lived as we ducked for cover when the ever-so-wise Brown trout spit the fly back at us like a lightning bolt.

One of the newcomers, John, who mainly fishes still water had a wonderful time and signed up for the San Juan trip, too. Another newcomer, Bruce, earned his Master Sargent stripes after being left at the Little Hole takeout on the last day. He hitched a ride to Dutch John for cell service to remind us that what we have here is, “a failure to communicate”. Maybe, we should take a couple of sheepdogs with us next year… I wonder if they rent sheepdogs.

As the trip wound down on the last day, we packed our gear, exchanged promises to return next year, and bid farewell to Flaming Gorge. The Green River would flow on, and so would our stories—the ones we’d tell over beers at the chapter meetings, the ones that would grow grander with each retelling. The Green River is alive and healthy!

Until next year, dear river. Until next year.

Registration for the 2025-chapter fishing trips will begin with the release of the January newsletter.


Only one spot is left for this year’s San Juan River Trip, Friday, October 25 - Wednesday, October 30, 2024. Contact Jerry Shin at or (303) 507-3495.

Disclaimer: The characters and events in this article are fictional. Any resemblance to real individuals or fishing trips is purely coincidental in this Copilot-assisted article.

Recap: Earth Day 2024 at Bear Creek Lake Park

Once again, the Chapter supported the City of Lakewood’s Earth Day event at Bear Creek Lake Park on April 20th. And, once again it snowed! Despite the weather, our crew spent the morning planting 15 trees and almost 1,000 grasses, sedges and small bushes.

We arrived at the site of the old Stone House at 8:00 AM for a light breakfast while the City Park leadership made introductions and provided guidance on where the different groups would be assigned. Tools were handed out and the groups headed to their assigned areas to till the soil, and some rocks here and there, to prepare for the new vegetation. After a morning’s work, the volunteers had the plants in the ground making one more step toward protecting Bear Creek in Lakewood.

Take time to visit the park for a walk or to fish the stream. For people that want to be a part of future efforts to protect Bear Creek and the cold-water fish that live there, stay connected to the chapter and join us next year! Don’t forget your snow boots.

See CCTU at Cabela's Spring Fishing Classic - 3/16 & 3/17

Representatives from CCTU will be at Cabela’s/Bass Pro Shops annual Spring Fishing Classic.

We’ll be talking up the great benefits of being a member, handing out stickers, and tying flies. Our booth will be occupied on Saturday and Sunday, March 16th & 17th between the hours of 11AM and 3PM. If you’re in the neighborhood, please drop by to say ‘hi’ and check out the other organizations like Backcountry Hunters and Anglers and the South Suburban Parks!

It's Back! West Denver TU Fly Tying Clinic

West Denver Trout Unlimited’s Annual Fly Tying Clinic

If you’re not aware of it, the WDTU Annual Fly Tying Clinic was a well attended, local gathering of some of the biggest names in fly tying in the Mountain West prior to the lovely Pandemic. And finally, it’s back on the calendar!

When: Saturday, March 2, 2024 from 9AM to 2PM

Where: Jefferson County Fairgrounds, 15200 W 6th Ave, Golden, CO 80401 (Map)


  • Over 50 local and nationally-known fly tyers

  • Build a fly box with flies tied by your favorite expert tyers

  • Tie your first fly area

  • Huge bucket raffle

  • Kids activities

Proceeds support West Denver TU’s mission to share and sustain Colorado fly fishing.

Admission at the door is $20. Get a $5 discount coupon from your local fly shop! Active duty military personnel and kids 12 and under are admitted for free.

For more information, visit WDTU’s website website.

Notes About the CTU Rendezvous in October

A few notes from the non-board part of the Rendezvous for your reading pleasure…

  • Greg Hardy, CTU president was not in attendance, he is on a medical LOA.

  • I spoke with Whitney from CTU and they are willing to run the raffle for us with their system. We need to craft an email to her defining exactly what we would like it to look like. For example we want to pull tickets at our picnic not at the office in Denver. I suggest Scott, Meg and Barry put together the email.

  • We were introduced to Emily Olsen the new TU VP for the Rocky Mountain Region. She had a new org chart but so far I have not found a copy to share.

Conservation Leader Emily Olsen Joins Trout Unlimited as Vice President for Rocky Mountain Region.

  • We learned that Mely Whiting will be retiring. For those that do not know her, she led the effort on water laws for most of the CTU/TU projects in Colorado.

  • Nancy Johnson-Bramlet is available to support our grant writing efforts.

  • We should be looking at culvert replacement projects in our area as money is available in the infrastructure bills.

  • The Saturday luncheon speaker was Becky Mitchell, Colorado Commissioner to the Upper Colorado River Commission. She was exceptional as a speaker and an advocate for the upper basin states in the current and future discussions about Colorado River water use.

8 Questions with New Colorado River Commissioner Rebecca Mitchell

  • Our CTU VP has asked our chapter if we would be willing to nominate someone to replace him. The requirements for the VP position are (1) board experience, (2) willingness to attend monthly zoom meetings, (3) consolidating the quarterly report that we send in, (4) willingness to attend the two in person board (Spring/Fall) meetings, (5) donating to CTU at the base RSC level or more and, (6) funding your own expenses for all the duties/meetings. I am not sure if we have anyone that is willing to take this on, but we should at least add it to our board structure conversations over the next few months.

  • I spoke at the session on Priority Waters. Unfortunately the moderator did not control the early speakers' rambling and so I was left with only a minute to speak. One chapter speaker declined to speak since the session was way past time.  

  • The annual awards banquet was well attended. Mely received a Silver Trout award. The Denver chapter received a number of awards for their work in the city. At some point, CTU will post all the awards on their website.

Notes provided by CCTU’s John Egan, Vice President and Conservation Projects Chair


CCTU board member Peter King led the culminating portion of the chapter’s Gill Trail Bridge project. On Thursday 10/17, the full signage was erected by CCTU members and Forest Service employees, marking the end of an excellent project that will have solid long-term impact on the area. The Gill Trail is the primary byway for fly fishers seeking to fish the legendary Cheesman Canyon. Access to the trail involves crossing Wigwam Creek, and the bridge was in serious need of repair. In June 2019, volunteers from CCTU joined forces with US Forest Service employees to take down the old bridge and rebuild it. The Chapter also donated the lumber for the reconstruction and designed and paid for the commemorative sign. This was a great collaborative effort that was very much appreciated by the Forest Service.


CCTU had a great annual picnic last Tuesday.  Jonathan Walter and his team from Clear Creek Casting did a fanastic job with the casting demo and individual tune-ups.  Thanks to John Cristantiello for all the food, David Coward for the grills, and for Ray, Ken and Stephanie doing the cooking.  Allen announced all 40 of the 2019 Raffle Prize Winners and we handed out the prizes to those that made it to the picnic.  Deb Holmberg won the highly coveted Scott Tampa custom bamboo rod, and her shriek of surprise and joy when she heard her name announced was priceless.  While no one wanted to hear John Aaron’s name called again, given how many tickets he purchased, everyone was happy he pocketed a number of prizes.  We ended up with 144 tickets sold, and with no real costs due to all the donations, netted approx.. $14k for the raffle.  Thanks to all that helped volunteer at the event, thanks to everyone that brought food to pass (we had tons and it was wonderful) and thanks to all the 2019 Raffle Prize donors.  Can’t for next year’s program and picnic.

TRIPS & LESSONS                                                                                                 WINNER

Cast & Blast for 2 with Rudy Schreider—private fishing/hunting lease……Barry Wiebe

Dunoir Fishing Adventures, Wyoming—Guided Float Trip for 2, 2020 season……John Aaron

Pat Dorsey Guided Fly Fishing Trip for 2—guides choice water, 2020 season……Gary Deguero

Sunrise Anglers Guided Float Trip for 2—Thomas Schneider……John Aaron

Brian Young Guided Fly Fishing Trip for 2—private water……George Franklin

Guided Turkey Hunt for 2 with Rudy Schreider—private lease……..John Burke

Sunrise Anglers Guided Cutthroat Fly Fishing Trip for 2 with Brian Young……Ray Nagashima

GEAR Colorado Guided Tenkara Fly Fishing Trip for 2 with Graham Moran……Rich Benn

Wyoming Anglers North Platte Guided Float Trip for 2 with Tyler Soulek……Richard Wheeler

Colorado River Float Trip for 2 with Lunch—Matt Moskal……Peter King

The Bluffs at Valhalla 1/2 Day Pheasant Hunt for 2……Wayne Peterson

Bass Fishing Trip for 2 on private water with Pilatzke/Schreider +4 doz flies……John Aaron

Colorado River Float Trip for 2 with Lunch—David Densmore……Barry Wiebe

Florissant Ponds Fishing Trip for 2 with Pilatzke/Schreider +4 doz flies……Jim Klug

Fishing Trip for 2 to Rainbow Falls Mountain Trout with Greg Ledges……Linda Mills

Fishing Trip for 2 to Rainbow Falls Mountain Trout with Keith Simpson……Jerry Arni

Clear Creek Casting 3 Hr Fly Casting Lesson for 2 with Jonathan Walter……John Aaron


Custom Bamboo Fly Rod—Scott Tampa design and build……Debbie Holmberg

Orvis Clearwater Euronymphing Outfit—10ft 3wt rod, Tactical Line, Reel….Nathan Bennett

Custom 9ft 5wt Fly Rod from Dan’s Fly Shop—with Clearwater II Reel and Line……Neil Corvino

Tenkara Outfit, Region Fishing—Rod, 3 lines, 3 spools, Nippers, 24 Flies, Box..Richard Wheeler

Fishpond Nomad 37” Net (Colorado Edit), Lanyard and Smith Creek Holster……Jim Morris

Colorado River Dries & Emergers Box, 6 dozen—tied by John Vevurka……Jason Hearle

River Road Creations Tying Basket—foam, cutters, wings, tying book, more…Ryan Rotramel

Colorado Terrestrial Fly Box, 6 dozen—tied by Richard Pilatzke……Mac Ishii

Colorado Fly Selection 10 doz midges/1 dozen streamers—tied by Greg Ledges……Allen Adinoff

Rocky Mountain Fly Design Streamer Box, 2 dozen streamers……Duane Vandeventer

South Platte Favorites Box, 5 dozen—tied by Richard Pilatzke……David Baker

Stillwater Chironomids (3 dozen) and Mice (1 dozen) Box—by Richard Pilatzke……John Aaron

Tiny Colorado Midge Box, 8 dozen—tied by Jerry Shin……Stephanie Young

Colorado Streamer Box, 6 dozen—tied by Bud McAlister……Darrell Kleeman


Dave Whitlock S&N Framed Print……..Ken Hunter

Dave Whitelock S&N Framed Print……..Jim Mills

Full Dress Salmon Fly—tied by Scott Stisser……..Bob Beitscher

“Autumn on the Truckee” S&N (132/500) Framed Print by Fred Boyce……..Marty Buys

Rainbow Trout S&N (4/10) Framed Print by Tim England……..Tim Priser

Red Rainbow Giclee Print on Aluminum by Richard Pilatzke……..Rich Hus

Framed Photograph by Brian Kuchynka……..CJ Allen

Yeti Cooler and Rambler Tumblers……..Steve Stulock

2 Bottles Rare Wine—2000 Chateau Troplong Mondot, 2010 Janzen Napa Cabernet...Tom Corr

CCTU Annual Fundraising Program - Raffle Tickets On Sale Starting Tuesday 4/16!

This year CCTU’s annual Fundraising efforts will be focused on our biggest Raffle program ever.  We aren’t having the Fundraising Party this year (with Fly Auctions, Silent Auctions), so the Raffle program is your main opportunity to support chapter projects and have an excellent chance to win a prize from our greatest list of donated items yet.

We have 40 prizes this year, making it our biggest raffle ever.  These donated items range from 17 different guided float, fishing trips and lessons, 5 great equipment packages including a Scott Tampa bamboo rod, 9 fly box prizes filled with over 50 dozen flies, 7 framed prints or photography, and 2 restaurant or wine oriented prizes.  Check out the full list on the CCTU website this week.  Each raffle ticket is $100, and you can win more than once with multiple tickets.  Entries are limited to 150, and with 40 great prizes, the odds of winning are the best CCTU has ever offered.  Tickets go on sale at this Tuesday’s meeting (4/16) and will be on sale into August…winners announced at the August 20 annual picnic (don’t need to be present to win).  You can purchase tickets at the meeting with cash, check or credit.  If you can't make the meeting please email Allen Adinoff ( or Stephanie Young ( to arrange completion of the purchase by phone.

Don’t delay, as tickets will go fast!

All proceeds will go toward chapter conservation programs and other initiatives, including the CSU Steve Bailey scholarship, Greenback Reintroduction program, South Platte River Watch and Bug Analysis programs, the Clear Creek Clean-up Project, several joint CCTU/Coalition for the Upper South Platte rehabilitation and clean-up programs, and multiple projects focused on Lower Bear Creek.  These programs would not exist without your generous support of these fundraising efforts.


PRIZE RETAIL $ GUIDED TRIPS & LESSONS 1. Dunoir Fishing Adventures, Wyoming – Guided Float Trip for 2, 2020 season $475 2. Cast & Blast for 2 with Rudy Schreider – private fishing/hunting lease $750 3. Pat Dorsey Guided Fly Fishing Trip for 2 – guides choice water, 2020 season $495 4. Sunrise Anglers Guided Fly Fishing Trip for 2 – Thomas Schneider $550 5. Brian Young Guided Fly Fishing Trip for 2 – private water $575 6. Guided Turkey Hunt for 2 with Rudy Schreider $450 7. Sunrise Anglers Guided Fly Fishing Trip for 2..Cutthroat Trip with Brian Young $350 8. GEAR Colorado Fly Fishing Guided Tenkara Fly Fishing Trip for 2 with Graham Moran $400 9. Wyoming Anglers North Platte River Guided Float Trip for 2 with Tyler Soulek $500 10. Colorado River Float Trip for 2 with Lunch – with Matt Moskal $400 11. The Bluffs at Valhalla ½ Day Pheasant Hunt for 2 – sponsored by Allen Adinoff $900 12. Bass Fishing Trip for 2 on private water with Richard Pilatzke and Rudy Schreider, + 4 dozen flies $700 13. Colorado River Float Trip for 2 with Lunch – with David Densmore $400 14. Fishing Trip for 2 at Florissant Ponds with Richard Pilatzke and Rudy Schreider, + 4 dozen flies $700 15. Fishing Trip for 2 at Rainbow Falls Mountain Trout with Greg Ledges $400 16. Fishing Trip for 2 at Rainbow Falls Mountain Trout with Keith Simpson $400 17. Clear Creek Casting 3 hour Fly Casting Lesson for 2 people with Jonathan Walter $280 EQUIPMENT 18. Custom Bamboo Fly Rod designed and built by Scott Tampa $1,000 19. Orvis Clearwater Euronymphing Outfit – 10ft 3wt rod, Tactical Fly Line, Sighter Material $360 20. Custom 9ft 5wt Fly Rod from Dan’s Fly Shop, with Clearwater II Reel and line $315 21. Tenkara Outfit from Region Fishing - Rod, 3 lines, 3 spools, Nippers, Hemostats, 24 flies in Fly Box $200 22. Fishpond Nomad Mid-length Net, Colorado Edition, Net Release Lanyard and Smith Creek Holster $265 FLIES (IN BOXES) 23. Colorado River Dries & Emergers Box, 6 dozen – tied by John Vevurka $215 24. River Road Creations Tying Basket – foam, foam cutters, wing materials, tying book $250 25. Colorado Terrestrial Fly Box, 6 dozen – tied by Richard Pilatzke $180 26. Colorado Fly Selection 10 dozen midges/1 dozen streamers – tied by Greg Ledges $350 27. Rock Mountain Fly Design Streamer Box, 2 dozen streamers – tied by Chris Krueger $150 28. South Platte Favorites Box, 5 dozen – tied by Richard Pilatzke $150 29. Stillwater Chironomids (3 dozen) and Mice (1 dozen) Box – tied by Richard Pilatzke $120 30. Tiny Colorado Midge Box, 8 dozen – tied by Jerry Shin $280 31. Colorado Streamer Box, 6 dozen – tied by Bud McAlister $215 ARTWORK 32. Dave Whitlock Signed & Numbered Framed Print $250 33. Dave Whitlock Signed & Numbered Framed Print $250 34. Full Dress Framed Salmon Fly – tied by Scott Stisser $175 35. “Autumn on the Truckee” Signed & Numbered (132/500) Framed Print by Fred Boyce $250 36. Rainbow Trout Signed & Numbered (4/10) Framed Print by Tim England $150 37. Red Rainbow Giclee Print on Aluminum by Richard Pilatzke $100 38. Framed Photograph by Brian Kuchynka $200 FOOD & DRINK $200 Gift Certificate to White Chocolate Grill (Park Meadows) – donated by Kellen Sullivan $200 2 Bottles of Rare Fine Wine – donated by Ray Nagashima $485

San Juan Chapter Trip Review

This year's Cutthroat Chapter trip to the San Juan River in northwest New Mexico was one of the most successful in the last few years.  Everyone caught fish and some very large.  On two of the three days, the weather was bright and sunny.  The fishing on these days was solid.  Most of the fish caught were on a variety of small midges and baetis nymphs.  The last day was cloudy and the conditions were excellent for a day of dry fly fishing.  It was a great experience and a fun trip for everyone on one of the great waters of the west.  Everyone looks forward to next years trip…sign up early as it filled up very fast!