Recap: CCTU Green River Trip, 2024

An Unforgettable Adventure: The Annual Green River Fishing Trip

The sun peeked over the rugged cliffs, casting a golden glow on the emerald waters of the Green River at Flaming Gorge. It was that time of year again—the annual fishing trip that our chapter eagerly awaited. Our group consisted of the usual suspects plus five newcomers this year! We shared stories, laughter, and the occasional tall fish tale. The camaraderie was as essential as the fishing itself. This year, however, held something extra special: Tom’s 78th birthday celebration with the most delicious chocolate birthday cake made by Jerry’s wife.

The fishing gods smiled upon us. The weather forecast promised cloudy skies and mild temperatures, and we were excited about a blue-wing olive hatch (BWO). And oh, the trout! The Green River was generous this year. Each day we were graced with an awesome BWO hatch with fish aggressively feeding in the column and surface on emergers.

Mostly Brown trout, their spots like constellations, danced in the current. Several Rainbow trout leaped out of the water to grin and fin you while spitting your fly. Tom landed 30 – 40 fish each day with his guide from Old Moe’s.

Many enjoyed some good dry fly action each day to get their fix. One day, while seeking shelter along the bank of the river from a thunderstorm, a fish was rising consistently directly in front of us. It was teasing us, daring us to pick up a lightning rod! One cast with an awesome presentation is all it took for Alex to fool that fish. Alex grinned ear-to-ear when we erupted in applause and cheered like we were at the Super Bowl. The battle was fierce but short-lived as we ducked for cover when the ever-so-wise Brown trout spit the fly back at us like a lightning bolt.

One of the newcomers, John, who mainly fishes still water had a wonderful time and signed up for the San Juan trip, too. Another newcomer, Bruce, earned his Master Sargent stripes after being left at the Little Hole takeout on the last day. He hitched a ride to Dutch John for cell service to remind us that what we have here is, “a failure to communicate”. Maybe, we should take a couple of sheepdogs with us next year… I wonder if they rent sheepdogs.

As the trip wound down on the last day, we packed our gear, exchanged promises to return next year, and bid farewell to Flaming Gorge. The Green River would flow on, and so would our stories—the ones we’d tell over beers at the chapter meetings, the ones that would grow grander with each retelling. The Green River is alive and healthy!

Until next year, dear river. Until next year.

Registration for the 2025-chapter fishing trips will begin with the release of the January newsletter.


Only one spot is left for this year’s San Juan River Trip, Friday, October 25 - Wednesday, October 30, 2024. Contact Jerry Shin at or (303) 507-3495.

Disclaimer: The characters and events in this article are fictional. Any resemblance to real individuals or fishing trips is purely coincidental in this Copilot-assisted article.