Recap: Earth Day 2024 at Bear Creek Lake Park

Once again, the Chapter supported the City of Lakewood’s Earth Day event at Bear Creek Lake Park on April 20th. And, once again it snowed! Despite the weather, our crew spent the morning planting 15 trees and almost 1,000 grasses, sedges and small bushes.

We arrived at the site of the old Stone House at 8:00 AM for a light breakfast while the City Park leadership made introductions and provided guidance on where the different groups would be assigned. Tools were handed out and the groups headed to their assigned areas to till the soil, and some rocks here and there, to prepare for the new vegetation. After a morning’s work, the volunteers had the plants in the ground making one more step toward protecting Bear Creek in Lakewood.

Take time to visit the park for a walk or to fish the stream. For people that want to be a part of future efforts to protect Bear Creek and the cold-water fish that live there, stay connected to the chapter and join us next year! Don’t forget your snow boots.