A few notes from the non-board part of the Rendezvous for your reading pleasure…
Greg Hardy, CTU president was not in attendance, he is on a medical LOA.
I spoke with Whitney from CTU and they are willing to run the raffle for us with their system. We need to craft an email to her defining exactly what we would like it to look like. For example we want to pull tickets at our picnic not at the office in Denver. I suggest Scott, Meg and Barry put together the email.
We were introduced to Emily Olsen the new TU VP for the Rocky Mountain Region. She had a new org chart but so far I have not found a copy to share.
We learned that Mely Whiting will be retiring. For those that do not know her, she led the effort on water laws for most of the CTU/TU projects in Colorado.
Nancy Johnson-Bramlet is available to support our grant writing efforts.
We should be looking at culvert replacement projects in our area as money is available in the infrastructure bills.
The Saturday luncheon speaker was Becky Mitchell, Colorado Commissioner to the Upper Colorado River Commission. She was exceptional as a speaker and an advocate for the upper basin states in the current and future discussions about Colorado River water use.
Our CTU VP has asked our chapter if we would be willing to nominate someone to replace him. The requirements for the VP position are (1) board experience, (2) willingness to attend monthly zoom meetings, (3) consolidating the quarterly report that we send in, (4) willingness to attend the two in person board (Spring/Fall) meetings, (5) donating to CTU at the base RSC level or more and, (6) funding your own expenses for all the duties/meetings. I am not sure if we have anyone that is willing to take this on, but we should at least add it to our board structure conversations over the next few months.
I spoke at the session on Priority Waters. Unfortunately the moderator did not control the early speakers' rambling and so I was left with only a minute to speak. One chapter speaker declined to speak since the session was way past time.
The annual awards banquet was well attended. Mely received a Silver Trout award. The Denver chapter received a number of awards for their work in the city. At some point, CTU will post all the awards on their website.
Notes provided by CCTU’s John Egan, Vice President and Conservation Projects Chair