September Meeting Features Jeff Spohn of CO Parks and Wildlife

Jeff Spohn is Colorado Parks and Wildlife's aquatic biologist for the Upper South Platte River Basin. The Upper South Platte River is the Cutthroat Chapter’s “home waters”.  Jeff knows more about this section of the state than anyone you’re likely to meet. Jeff will spend the first part of his presentation discussing the biology, management, and current issues with the fishery in the Spinney, Cheesman and Deckers areas after which he will take questions and topics from the floor.Jeff graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a BS in Limnology & Fisheries and a second degree in Aquatic Biology.Don’t miss this chance to hear him talk about what’s going on in our own “backyard”. Surely, he'll mistakenly reveal some hot spots you haven't heard of yet!Additionally, CSU PhD Student Adam Schwindt on Effects of Human Birth Control on Fish PopulationsAdam completed his undergraduate studies in Biology at the University of Colorado conducting research on the disruption of the stress response in brown trout subjected to metal pollution. He then completed his Masters in Fisheries Science at Oregon State University with research focused on stress induced gene expression in the brain of juvenile Steelhead trout. Following this, Adam served as a project leader in the Western Airborne Contaminants Assessment Project, a multi-disciplinary study investigating the deposition and effects of airborne contaminants in sub-alpine and Arctic aquatic ecosystems in western US national parks. He is currently working on his PhD in Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology at Colorado State University as well as serving as an independent contractor for the US EPA.”Really looking forward to the meeting…  I also appreciate the funding assistance from the Cutthroat TU chapter it's been instrumental to my work.”