Annual Clear Creek Cleanup - September 8th

The Cutthroat Chapter, in conjunction with the Cherry Creek Chapter will be conducting a stream cleanup along Clear Creek Saturday, September 8th. We have been doing this for several years and it has yielded very worthwhile results and community appreciation. It is almost unbelievable the things we pull from the banks and the stream itself. Our efforts really do make a difference as the stream is in a high traffic area vulnerable to lots of trash pollution.We will meet at 9:00 a.m. at Courtney-Ryley-Cooper Park @ 2331 Colorado Ave. in Idaho Springs. Have a doughnut (or two!) along with coffee (provided by the local Starbuck's) and get our stream section assignments. We'll then work for two or three hours and have lunch provided by the Chapter.Here's a follow up post from last year's event that appeared on the Cutthroat website so you can read about what they accomplished and the fun they had doing it.After lunch, plan to spend a few hours fishing or hiking in the area.Courtney-Ryley-Cooper Park is easy to find, just take the first exit into Idaho Springs from I-70. Follow the street-Colorado Ave. - to the park.Please plan to support this rewarding conservation/fishing event, sign up by calling Ray Carney at (303) 972-2976 or calling Jim Klug at (303) 953-8046.