Cutthroat Chapter to host Project Healing Waters veterans

Cutthroat Chapter will host 8 veterans from the Project Healing Waters program for a day of fishing at Crystal Lake, which is located near Leadville.  Chapter members will be able to fish with the veterans on Monday, July 9th.  This will be a chapter fishing trip and all participants will gather at the South Suburban Board of Realtors parking lot for a departure at 7:00 AM.  It is about a two hour drive to the lake.Crystal Lake is located at 9860 feet in elevation and has excellent wading conditions and shore access.  A trail leads from the parking lot all around the lake.  The lake has an excellent callibaetis mayfly hatch and also a good number of damsels.  It provides excellent dry fly fishing and is ideal for beginners and intermediate fly fishers.For information on the trip, call Richard Pilatzke at 303-979-8425 or Kent Higgins at 303-791-1163.