VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: River Watch on the South Platte River

River Watch sampling and testing for October will be on Sunday the 16th. These events generally occur during the week so this is a great opportunity to see what River Watch is all about.  Also unique to this month's River Watch is the macro invertebrate (bugs) collection.  The report produced as a result of this collection is a great insight into the major food sources available to the South Platte trout.  But why wait for the report? Volunteer and you can get a look at the bugs first hand. We will car-pool for those wanting to share a ride.  Meet at the Park N' Ride at University and E470 at about 8AM. For those wanting to fish later, you will want to provide your own transportation and meet behind the Deckers store at about 9:30AM. Our collection site is across from Lone Rock Camp Ground just upstream about 1/4 mile from the bridge on the dirt road. We will collect water samples for testing and seine for macro invertebrates (bugs) at 2 sites. The collection process will probably take about 3 hours. For those wishing to help with water testing, we will return to Parker. The bugs will be shipped to Ft Collins where a private lab counts and records the various kinds. For further information and to confirm your participation contact Bill at 303-771-1855 (blhoneyfield@comcast.net) ir Jim Rasmussen at 303-773-2772 (jiber2@msn.com).


Bill Honeyfield sent in some pictures of the day on the river.  Looks like they had a good turn out and a beautiful day to boot!River Watch - Planning the day.River Watch - Forming a rectangle before collection.River Watch - Shuffling to stir up the bugs.River Watch - Checking out the results.River Watch - Picking out the bugs.River Watch - Siening the remaining substrate for bugs.