Clear Creek Clean Up Collaboration Completed, Idaho Springs, CO

Trout Unlimited’s Cutthroat chapter and Cherry Creek Anglers chapter teamed up to organize the collaborative effort to remove trash from a 12 mile stretch of Clear Creek along Route 6 and Interstate 70 in the Idaho Springs area.  In addition to the Trout Unlimited chapter volunteers, Mile-Hi rafting supported the effort with nine volunteers and door prize items.  In addition, four seniors from Clear Creek High School pitched in to help.  In all, 39 volunteers worked hard all morning to collect and remove a record amount of trash and debris from the stream and its immediate surroundings. Support from the local merchants was again outstanding as they appreciate the effort to keep their local resource in good condition.  In addition to Mile-Hi Rafting, Starbucks provided coffee and door prizes, Beau Jo’s supplied Mountain Pies and door prizes and Clear Creek Outdoors gave a nice selection fly fishing door prizes.  Door prizes were also provided by Orvis, CO. Clear Creek County provided the big orange trash bags, safety vests and the all important trash pick-up! We also thank the City of Idaho Springs for the use of the Courtney-Ryley-Cooper Park facilities for our project headquarters.A special thank you goes out to Ray Carney, Cutthroat chapter, for his efforts in organizing and managing this important conservation activity. Thank you to all of our volunteers for making this effort a great success!