
Sept. 20th Meeting – Jeff Spohn “State of the So. Platte River”

September 20th Chapter Meeting -  7 PM.  Jeff Spohn is CDOW's aquatic biologist for the Upper South Platte River Basin. The Upper South Platte River is the Cutthroat Chapter's "home waters".  Jeff knows more about this section of the state than anyone you're likely to meet. Jeff will spend the first part of his presentation discussing the biology, management, and issues with the fishery in the Spinney, Cheesman and Deckers areas after which he will take questions and topics from the floor.Jeff graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a BS in Limnology & Fisheries and a second degree in Aquatic Biology. Don't miss this chance to hear him talk about what's going on in our own "backyard".

Looking for a volunteer for the auction

We need some help for the upcoming auction. The Chapter is looking for someone to help us put together a powerpoint slide show of our projects from the last year and highlight some of the bigger items we will have in the auction. We would provide all the images, we just need someone to put them together into a simple slideshow.If you are interested leave a comment below or send me an email nick (at)

Trip to Alaska up for Auction

We got a really great trip for our auction visitors this year.Alaska trip for one angler to Legend Lodge (250 miles southwest of Anchorage) for 6 days of fishing on Lake Iliamna. Fishing on the Copper and Gibraltar Rivers also available. June thru Sept. of 2011. If you bring a friend, Jack Johnson, the lodge owner, will pay round trip cost from Iliamna to the lodge (value $900).Learn more about the great fishing opportunities at the lodge.