fly tying

March Monthly Meeting a Fly Tying Extravaganza

March 20th, 7pm at our normal meeting location, SMDRA.Are you a fly tier or interested in starting? Well, this is the time of year for you. There are a number of places and events where you can watch local legends perform their magic. This month’s membership meeting is just one such place. It’s a great opportunity to sit with some of your favorite tiers and not only learn their flies and recipes but the little tricks you can only get from watching them.The list of talented fly tyers this year includes, but not limited to Pat Dorsey, Al Makkai, Brian Kuchynka, Jay Core, Bud McAllister, Bill Searles, Frank Prekel, Jim Schmidt, Kent Higgins, Jim Neiberger, Bob Dye and event organizer Richard Pilatzke. If you fall into the 'interested in getting started' category, Ross Custer and John Aaron will have a beginners table where you can learn to tie your first fly from experienced and patient instructors.In addition to the fly tying clinic, chapter members are encouraged to dig out your old, but still serviceable, gear and bring it to the meeting. It will be sold at the meeting in a silent auction and the proceeds will be applied to three of the outstanding chapter projects – Trout in the Classroom, Riverwatch, or the Colorado Youth Camp.As a personal attestment, I sat by myself at Jim Neiberger's table and learned a great wire-body technique that I've been using extensively ever since. It's a great opportunity to actually interact with some of our local fly tying talent.Also, thanks to Richard Pilatzke and his team to putting this all together.  See you all there!