Auction Item- Guided Trip with J Core

We are starting to assemble some really great gear, trips and other items for this year's auction. I thought I'd start sharing some of these items with you. The first item is a guided trip with Blue Quill Angler guide J. Core. Instead of me going on and on about how great a guide J is I thought I'd let him do some of the talking."I have been guiding for the Blue Quill Angler in Evergreen Co. for 19 years. Through those years, I have had the privilege of guiding some high profile Dignitaries and Celebrities. With those types of people comes a lot of stress. When I get them out on the water and focused in on techniques that will give them the opportunity for success, I see the satisfaction on their face and hear in their voice a big sigh, of that stress relief, witch is worth it's weight in gold!."J sent over a few pics to help us all get excited about bidding for this great auction item. Enjoy!! Keep an eye out on our website and over at our facebook page for more auction items.