February 24th Meeting Showing Red Gold plus Chili


Our February meeting will be held on February 24th (the 4th Tuesday of this month)!In addition to showing the movie Red Gold from Felt Soul Media, There will be a chili cookout provided by board members as well as many flavors of beer generously donated to our chapter by Upslope Brewing Company!

Have you ever seen this sticker on the bumper of a Subaru here in Colorado?

Have you ever wondered what it means?

Pebble is the name of an enormous copper, gold and molybdenum deposit in the Bristol Bay region of Southwest Alaska with an estimated mineral value of over $500 billion. Unfortunately, it also happens to be located at the headwaters of one of the most productive Salmon Fisheries in the world. The value of the deposit has caught the eye of the Canadian mining company Northern Dynasty Minerals which intends to construct the world's largest open-pit mine at the headwaters of the Mulchatna, Kvichak and Nushagak Rivers. The environmental sensitivity of the proposed mine has also garnered the attention of conservationists around the country (including Trout Unlimited which has pledged its full support in opposition to the mine). In accordance with Trout Unlimited's stance on this controversial issue, The Cutthroat Chapter will be showing the documentary film Red Gold from Felt Soul Media at our February chapter meeting. This film details the Alaskan struggle between the preservation of Bristol Bay's legendary Salmon runs and the economic benefit of allowing Northern Dynasty to proceed with their proposed operation.Though the fight has been ongoing for nearly a decade, it is still unresolved.Please join us at 7pm on February 24th at our regular meeting place (7899 S. Lincoln Ct., Littleton, CO 80122).