Monthly Meeting Movie: Damnation, 7pm November 18th

Felt Soul Media's Film DamnationBeing conservationists in Colorado, members of the Cutthroat Chapter of Trout Unlimited tend to be acutely aware and especially sensitive to the conflict that exists between energy production and the preservation of the unique ecosystems that our state supports. Dams, specifically, are a strange hypocrisy for both conservationists and anglers. On one hand, we hate to abide the alteration of a river's natural flow but on the other hand, we appreciate the crucial energy (and the spectacular tailwater fishing) that dams can provide.At this month's membership meeting we will further explore this hot topic by providing a free showing of Felt Soul Media's production entitled "DamNation". Join us tonight at 7:00PM at our usual location (7899 S Lincoln Ct, Liittleton, CO 80122). Yes, popcorn will be provided.