Clear Creek Clean Up Project, Saturday,September 20, 2014

This year, our Stream Clean Up effort will be part of the Clear Creek Watershed Festival held at Courtney- Riely -Cooper Park in Idaho Springs. We are teamed with volunteers from Cherry Creek Anglers and plan to work the stream from Starbucks in the East to Dumont on the West. We are in need of 20 volunteers to help make this project a success. Please bring waders and work gloves. Garbage bags and safety vests will be provided.To entice you to join us we will have coffee and doughnuts at our Passport Station @ 8:30AM before work starts at 9:00AM, AND for your participation you will earn a BBQ lunch as well! THAT’S NOT ALL…., we will conclude our work with our traditional raffle, FEATURING GREAT FLY FISHING ORIENTED PRIZES after lunch.Please call our project leader, Ray Carney at 303-523-4740 to sign up!Our Passport Station is just ASCOSS THE 23rd. Street Bridge over Clear Creek to the left. Our CCTU banner will be on the Station. The Festival is fun and educational for all ages, so bring the family if you like.