Chapter Trip to Lily Lake June 21st

Richard Pilatzke has planned a fishing trip to Lily Lake on June 21st. Meet at the parking lot of the South Metro Realtors' Board (our chapter meeting location) and leave at 7am. Parking is limited at Lily Lake so we need to carpool. Last year Richard Pilatzke and Jim Cowell caught sizeable male and female Greenbacks. It was amazing how different they looked. Spawning had just finished. Most of the guys caught fish.They will have people there just to meet and greet (check your license). 2 weddings happened while we were there last year, a Camaro club roared by (must have been 50 of them!), as well as the requisite Harley riders, so you get entertained more than just fishing.Lily Lake is part of Rocky Mountain National Park and managed by them. However, it is outside of the borders of the park so no visitor pass is necessary. Though you must have a valid Colorado Fishing license.Pack in a lunch and be prepared for afternoon rain.To sign up or ask any questions, call Richard at 303-979-8425.