Updated 2014 Conservation Project Schedule

MAY 2012, TUCC, F&S 0162014 Cutthroat Chapter Trout Unlimited Conservation ProjectsNote:  June 21st. and August 23 Projects Switched!June 21st: Riparian Improvement, Happy MeadowsJuly 12: CUSP Deckers South Platte Clean UpAugust Dates (TBD): DOW Fish Tagging Middle Fork South PlattAugust 23: CUSP Mine Reclamation, Treasure Mine above Alma USFS/NEPA Approval Promised and in ProgressSeptember 6: CUSP Noxious Weed mitigation on Deer Island, 11 Mile ReservoirSeptember 20: Clear Creek Clean Up, Idaho Springs Klug/CarneyMonthly River Watch activities and our semi-annual temperature monitoring on the South Platte near Deckers.5/20/14 JJK/JA 303-565-7504 (Jim Klug)/303-653-6057 (Jason Agin)