Clear Creek Cleanup Project a Resounding Success

Clear Creek Cleanup Project a Resounding Success

September 12, 2013
By:  Allen Adinoff
On September 7, the Cutthroat and Cherry Creek Anger Chapters teamed up for our annual Clear Creek Cleanup project in Idaho Springs.  A record number of volunteers (32 strong!) participated in the event.  For several of the volunteers, it was their first experience with a TU conservation project.  It was a beautiful day, and everyone enjoyed the experience.
Getting started, reviewing assignments.
Ready to go!
Ten miles of stream were cleaned of litter and trash.  One of the more interesting items found was an unbroken champagne glass and bottle, unfortunately, the bottle was empty.
Lots of trash along the Stream.
Just a part of the collection  the rest was depodsited along the roads for the County to pick up,
Breakfast and lunch were provided by local merchants: Starbucks Coffee and Beau Jo’s Pizza.  After lunch a raffle (officiated by long-timer Ray Carney) distributed prizes provided by the two chapters and also donated by local Idaho Springs merchants, Clear Creek Outdoors, Mile-Hi  Rafting , Argo Gold Mill, and Colorado Adventure Center.
Pizza for Lunch!
Raffle for fishing prizes!
“This project is a great opportunity for TU Chapters, not only to further our mission of stream conservation, but also to develop relationships with the local community of Idaho Springs”, says Jim Klug, Director of  Conservation projects for CCTU.  “The local businesses with which we have developed affiliations really have come to appreciate our efforts, and demonstrate that with their support as well.  It’s really a win win for everyone”.
There is one more CCTU conservation project scheduled for 2013.  The date is Saturday, October 12th; we will be doing mine rehabilitation at the Orange Fence mine near Alma.  Please check out the details on the web, look for it in out next Newsletter, or please call Jason Agin at 303-653-6057.
These projects are a great way to fulfill the mission of TU, and also give folks an opportunity to get to know other members of the Chapter.  Not surprisingly, the topic of fly fishing is a common focus of conversation.  On most of the projects, we also enjoy a few hours of fishing after the work is completed.
Time to fish!
Please remember that participation in these projects makes you eligible to win great fishing oriented prizes in our Conservation Volunteer Awards Raffle.  A Colorado River float trip with Ray Carney and six dozen flies tied by Richard Pilatzke, among others, are waiting for you!  Come out and enjoy the conservation experience!
Thank's to Allen Adinoff, our photo journalist for this project!