Summer Trout Release and Handling Techniques

The following guidelines for properly landing and releasing trout in summer weather and warmer water temperatures are provided here with the permission of Rainbow Falls Mountain Trout.

I know we are all experienced and aware of how to release trout, however, I thought I would pass these guidelines along. Please read, there are some great tips we can learn and use to keep out trout healthy and alive for the next angler.

Summer Handling and Release Techniques!

Higher water temperatures bring an increased risk to Trophy Trout. (And any sized trout)

Release methods that work well earlier in the year will (and do) kill larger trout. These casualties, usually occur after anglers move on, are typically victims of these 3 common mistakes:

  1. Playing the trout too long, leading to exhaustion.
  2. Lack of taking time to properly release the trout. Even when using the right methods, releasing the trout too early means it will simply swim off and die.
  3. Lack of attention after release. Do not fail to observe the fish after release.

Here are some Guidelines to Practice:

Retrieve Trout Quickly

- Use size 3x or larger tippet. Bring trout in a quickly as possible, do not overplay the fish. Large Trophy Trout can be played to exhaustion resulting in loss of the fish.

Keep Trout IN the Water

- Keep trout in the water as much as possible. Netting and fly removal in the water is the preferred method. If Trout is removed from the water for pictures etc, a good rule to follow is-

Hold your breath when the fish is out of water. When you need air, so does the trout.

If for any reason additional time is required, keep trout netted in the water and upright.

Proper Release

- If Trout is netted, Do NOT simply roll out of net. Hold net so that trout is upright and breathing. When it struggles to get out of net, then release. When net release is not practical, hold trout by the tail, upright, and (A) Still Water: gently move forward and back, with back motion very slow, not forcing water backwards through gills. (B) Moving Water: Hold trout with nose upstream, use gentle side-to-side motion, allow current to revive the fish. Wait until fish struggles to swim on it's own to release.

Take your Time

- Be prepared to take 5-15 minutes to properly release a Trophy Trout. The larger the fish and/or longer the retrieve, the more time necessary to properly release. Warmer water temps dramatically increase the release time.

Follow - Up

- Observe Trout after release. If trout is still sluggish, or begins to roll to one side, retrieve again with net or hand and spend additional time for a proper release.

We appreciate the fact that you are as concerned and conscious about this as we are. Following these guidelines will ensure quality fishing both here at Rainbow Falls and everywhere there are large Trophy Trout waiting for your fly!