Springer Gulch, 11-Mile Canyon Erosion Control Project with CUSP, June 15, 2013

Work Date: Saturday, June 15th, 2013

Project Location: above the South Platte at the Springer Fire Burn Area

Project Time: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, with a lunch break around noon

Volunteers needed: up to 40


Project Meeting Location: CUSP Office, 38000 Cherokee, Lake George, Colorado, 80827. Group will travel from the CUSP office to the site of the Springer Fire – off of FS 246. Due to the restricted access and location it is essential you arrive promptly as no directions will be given to the work location. Four wheel drive vehicles are preferred.

Please bring a backpack lunch and water to carry with you.

Workday Description:Work will occur in the approximate 1,200 acre Springer Fire area. Work will include installing erosion control structures in ephemeral drainages to reduce downstream impacts within the Eleven Mile Canyon area and South Platte River. This is a joint project with CUSP and the Cutthroat and Cheyenne Mountain Chapters of Trout Unlimited.Important notes:

  • CUSP will provide materials and necessary tools to complete project work.
  • A restroom will not be available on site.
  • You may register by contacting Jim Klug at 303-953-8046, jjklug1@comcast.net or Jason Agin at 303-653-6057, jagin2023@msn.com

Mandatory Requirements of Volunteers:All volunteers must complete a CUSP liability release form and submit to CUSP on the day of the project. At CCTU Liability Waiver is also required. Jim Klug will provide copies of these forms to complete on Saturday morning.Please Bring:

  • Any applicable medicines (including epi-pen and inhalers, if needed).
  • Sunscreen
  • Sun glasses or safety glasses
  • Layered clothing appropriate for outdoor work
  • A container for water, the use of reusable containers is encouraged
  • Work gloves and shoes

Weather:Events may be canceled or rescheduled due to bad weather, which could create hazardous conditions for volunteers and staff. Any changes will be posted at: www.uppersouthplatte.org/Volunteer 719-748-0033 ALSO….We will be carpooling from the Dad Clark RTD Lot in Highlands Ranch at University and Dad Clark right off 470. Please be there by 6:15am as we will leave at 6:30am sharp.For additional information or car pool arrangements please contact Jim Klug or Jason Agin, Cutthroat Chapter TU at the above numbers.Hope to see you there,CUSP_Lake_George_ortho (1)Jim Klug, Director for Conservation, Cutthroat Chapter, Chapter, TUCell: 303-565-7504 Email: jjklug1@comcast.net