Cutthroat Chapter South Platte Cleanup 2012

Thank you to all Trout Unlimited members and others who turned out for SOUTH Platte Cleanup 2012, at Deckers, on July 14th.  Over twenty volunteers showed up to collect; beer bottles, plastic water bottles, shoes, cans, broken auto body parts, signs and everything else.  We collected trash from Night Hawk Hill to the NO TRESPASSING sign, strung accross the river,  up the S Y Camp Road.    Special thanks to Greg Ledger for using his truck to deliver water and pick up trash bags up and down the river.  Special thanks also to Lisa Patton and her crew from The Coaliation for the Upper South Platte for organizing the event, getting us access to the lunch room (it was COOL inside) and hauling away the trash.   Lisa also, gave an enlightening view into the future with her talk on how noxious weeds take over after a wildfire.   The Springer Gulch fire burned hot in Eleven Mile Canyon.There really wasn't that much trash this year.   The two guys that  went up the S Y Camp Road to the wire, found only one bag of trash in that mile and a half.  This years trash was better quality however.  I personelly found a whole six pack of Avalanch Ale bottles, scatttered and some broken.