Trout Unlimited
Field & Stream “Hero-for-a-Day” Project
South Platte Erosion Control
Was successfully completed FRIDAY MAY 18, 2012
Thanks to our 25 hardworking volunteers from three local Trout Unlimited Chapters and the film crew from Field & Stream, the South Platte Erosion Control project at Trail Creek was completed and exceeded expectations for the day. During the six hour work day, 750 native willow shoots were prepared and planted above an erosion control structure located at the confluence of two large ephemeral draws. These hearty willows will quickly root and establish a structure that both absorbs the energy form runoff water and prevents further erosion in the draws. In addition over 100 Ponderosa Pine seedlings were strategically planted along the banks of the draws to further stabilize the soil. These plantings will prevent sedimentation from reaching Trail Creek and ultimately the South Platte River.
This effort was organized in conjunction with the Coalition for the Upper South Platte (CUSP) and the National Forest Foundation and is one of Field & Stream magazine’s ten national Hero-for-a-Day Conservation projects. Video coverage of this program will be posted shortly on the Field & Stream website: event was co-sponsored by Field & Stream and Toyota who provided thank you gift bags to all volunteers. In addition, all participants 18 years are eligible for the Hero-for-a-Day Sweepstakes. The winner will receive a trip to the Heroes of Conservation Gala in Washington DC as well as a fishing trip along the Potomac River! Again, I would like to sincerely thank the volunteers who came out on a weekday to work hard and support this program. The Cutthroat Chapter is grateful for the support of the Denver and Cheyenne Mountain Chapters in this effort. The work was not easy but it was very rewarding and in the end makes for many happy fish!
Thank You,Jim KlugDirector, Conservation, Preservation and RestorationCutthroat Chapter, Trout Unlimited