Help Us Spread the Word: DON'T SUCK the Upper Colorado River Dry!Dear Sharon,With your help, our campaign to protect the Upper Colorado continues to build momentum. After two successful rallies - one outside of the EPA Regional Headquarters and one on the steps of the State Capitol - we have now launched a billboard on eastbound Interstate 70 in Golden: Every day that this billboard runs, nearly 180,000 pairs of eyes will see it as they commute to work or return from ski trips in the mountains! With your help, we can keep this message in front of Denver-area residents. If 300 friends of the Upper Colorado each contribute $25, we can cover the costs of keeping this billboard up for an entire month - putting this message in front of literally millions of Front Range residents. Click here to help us today with your tax-deductible donation. With your donation, you'll also receive a "Don't Suck" bumper sticker - and with a donation of $100 or more, you'll receive a "Don't Suck" t-shirt.Why a billboard? Because Coloradans need to know that our namesake river is fighting for its life. Water diversion proposals - expansion of both the Windy Gap (Colorado River) and Moffat (Fraser River) projects - could reduce the Upper Colorado River’s flows to less than 20 percent of its historic levels. As currently proposed, the projects fail to include measures that will keep the Colorado and key tributaries like the Fraser cold, clean and healthy. Without stronger protections, these once-mighty rivers face a long, continued decline and a potential ecological collapse.Our Defend the Colorado coalition’s recent January rally in front of EPA building was a rousing success, with more than 100 sign-carrying, chanting supporters calling on EPA to “be a hero” for the river. A few weeks later, EPA issued a letter that fully vindicated and supported our position on the need for further river protections in the Windy Gap Firming Project. It was an important victory, but final decisions are still pending on permits for Windy Gap and the Moffat - including what protections for rivers may be required. Our job is not finished.Help us keep the pressure on our state and federal decision-makers to do the right thing for the Upper Colorado watershed. Let's spread the word to our fellow Coloradans: we need to save our rivers before it's too late. Your donation toward the "Don't Suck" campaign will help us make a difference. Together, we can make sure that we don't suck the Upper Colorado River dry.Thanks for all you do!P.S. If you haven't yet, please take a moment and sign our online petition on the Defend the Colorado website. |