Volunteer at CTU Troutfest on 7/18, get FREE Admission

CTU Troutfest Volunteer Opportunities – volunteer for 2 hours, get free admission

CTU’s Troutfest is Monday, July 18th from 5 pm to 9 pm at Coors Field!  They will have lots of o

utdoors vendors, fly tying and casting instructors, awesome raffle prizes, fly tying competitions, build a bug and lawntrouting opportunities, macroinvertebrate fun, and much much more!  They are in desperate need of volunteers for the event. 

 Volunteer opportunities include…

Registration Volunteer - Help welcome people, get them registered, and checked in

Raffle Area Volunteer - Help manage the raffle items, sell raffle tickets, and pass out winning prizes

VIP Area Volunteer - Help us welcome VIP folks, check wristbands, and chat it up!

Fly Tying Volunteer - Help Troutfest participants learn to tie flies and maybe even teach them your favorite pattern

Casting and Lawntrout Volunteer - Help teach other to cast and get the chance to catch the neon lawntrout

Build a Bug Volunteer - Help kids learn about invertebrates and build a bug at Troutfest

Macroinvertebrate Volunteer - Help participants learn about macroinvertebrates and how important they are to stream ecosystems!

Photographer Volunteer - Volunteer as a photographer of the event

Dress up as Fraser the Trout Volunteer - Dress up as Fraser the Trout, give trout high fives, and take pictures with Troutfest folks!


Sign up today as a volunteer for Troutfest!  All volunteer slots are 2 hours or less, so you can volunteer and have time to explore and enjoy Troutfest.  Each volunteer will get a complementary Troutfest ticket which includes your ballpark style meal and all the fun activity at Troutfest!


Click below if interested in volunteering…
