Bear Creek Electrofishing CCTU & CPW

September 8, 2021 was a beautiful day for a conservation project.  Eleven members of CCTU traveled to Bear Creek west of Morrison where they met with a CPW crew lead by Paul Winkle and Tyler Swarr.  The goal was to help CPW electrofish that creek in O'Fallon and Dedisse Parks.  The data retrieved will allow CPW to make informed decisions to ensure the health of those fisheries.  Brown trout made up the bulk of the catch, and native fish like chubs were also captured and recorded.  It was a fun and educational educational experience for all, and we helped CPW in their mission to manage and maintain our Colorado coldwater gamefish populations.

 At one point a young family became curious about all of us splashing around in the water.  Tyler took time to greet and inform the family by showing them some of the trout we had captured.  The little girls helped revive some of the trout and gently released the fish back into the stream.  Outreach such as this is great promotion for our club, and maybe one day these little girls will grow up to become environmental advocates.  Hopefully this will ensure that our children and theirs will enjoy healthy trout and productive streams for generations to come.
