Legacy Gift from the Estate of Leslie and Ruth Dashiell

The Cutthroat Chapter (CCTU) is delighted and honored to acknowledge the recent legacy gift from the estate of Leslie and Ruth Dashiell.  Les was a long-time member of CCTU; so much so that he sent his oldest grandson, Jacob Hunt, to TU Conservation and Fly Fishing Camp in 2010.  Jake truly enjoyed the experience and continued from then on to fish with his grandpa, Les. Fishing was one of the sports Ruth and Les loved to do together.  And it was always a competition when they went on a fishing trip.  The couple were “in their element” when it came to fishing.  Les also enjoyed many fishing trips with Trout Unlimited.  Attached are photos of the Dashiell family enjoying their passion.

 The Dashiell’s become Charter Members to the newly formed CCTU “Cutthroat Conservation Legacy Society”.  The Society was formed with the goal of providing a sustaining source of funding in support of the TU mission: The Conservation, Protection, and Restoration of Cold Water Fisheries and Watersheds.  Learn more on how you can preserve your legacy with a planned gift to CCTU by contacting:

Allen Adinoff: aadinoff10@gmail.com

Richard Pilatzke: rhpiscator@aol.com

Bob Getz: bob.getz@gmail.com