George and Scott came across this video on Robert Behnke while doing some review work on the CCTU Steve Bailey Memorial Scholarship…a long-term CCTU program focused on providing scholarship funding for a key fisheries biology student each year at CSU. Behnke was an American fisheries biologist and conservationist, and recognized as one of the world’s leading authorities on the classification of salmonid fishes. Know as Dr. Trout or The Trout Doctor, his seminal work, Trout and Salmon of North America, was published in 2002. He had a regular column in Trout Magazine, and was an avid angler, fisheries historian, and conservationist. He was a professor at CSU in the 1970s and became Professor Emeritus at the Dept of Fishery and Wildlife Biology at CSU. He is credited with helping re-discover two native cutthroat trout subspecies previously believed extinct – the Pyramid Lake strain of Lahontan Cutthroats in Nevada and the Greenback Cutthroat in Colorado. The 5 min. video “Conserving Wild Trout…The Legacy of Dr. Robert Behnke” can be watched at