In Memoriam - Bob Tucker

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of long time CCTU member and supporter Bob Tucker on April 1.  Please see comments and photo his longtime friend and fishing partner Sharon Lance provided.

“It is with great sorrow that I share the passing of Bob Tucker on April 1st of a heart attack on his 59th wedding anniversary. He was one of our staunchest Cutthroat supporters and a long-time member. Bob was a dear friend and my fishing buddy. Bob had an engaging smile and shared everything he could to support our chapter.  He donated a trip for two anglers to his home in Carbondale at the Ranch of the Roaring Fork every year for our annual auction. He and his wife, Bobbye, were so gracious. They taught me what the word “hospitality” means as well as true friendship.  I remember all the stories about Bob and Arny Silverman at the annual chapter trip to the Big Horn River. Bob and Arny would fish from sunup to sundown, come back to the condo”, cook dinner and tie flies after dinner. They would do this every day for four or five days in a row!

Bob had some favorite sayings that I will always remember……."Anything worth doing is worth overdoing" and “Too much of a good thing is just right”.

It can be summed up in a quote that stood in his home:   “Life is a great investment and no man lives in vain who guards a hundred friendships as a miser guards his gain” unknown.”

For a full obituary, go to…