TU's Veterans Service Partnership - Free Trial Membership for Active Veterans

On this Veterans Day, we at Trout Unlimited thank our military servicemen and women, our veterans, and their families for their lives of service. Through TU's Veterans Service Partnership, we invite veterans to continue that legacy of service and join a ready-made community of passionate conservationists and anglers. Trout Unlimited is proud to partner with Project Healing Waters, other veteran's service organizations to provide healing, rehabilitation and hope to those who have experienced the traumas of war. The Veterans Service Partnership is a nationwide effort initiated by TU in 2011 to bring the healing power of the water to those who have served our nation so boldly. TU is offering a free one year introductory membership for veterans who have worked with a TU chapter, council, or program supporter. You will receive all the benefits of a paid membership. You'll also receive a less tangible benefit, the pleasure of knowing you're part of a growing community of individuals who enjoy angling and want to keep America's rivers cold, clean and fishable. Together, we can make our trout and salmon fisheries healthier, for us and the next generation. Please join us in this important work. If you know of a veteran who has been involved with the Cutthroat Chapter, please contact them and send them the link below for the free one year TU membership.
