South Platte River Clean Up Successfully Completed!

July 23rd, 2011

Twenty one intrepid volunteers from our chapter along with two from CUSP (Coalition for the Upper South Platte) braved sunny 90 degree weather to clean up an 8 mile stretch of the South Platte River north of Deckers, CO. Thanks to all the folks who participated to make this our best turn out for 2001! Enough trash was collected to fill a pickup truck!The BBQ lunch of brats, hamburgers and cheeseburgers along with cool refreshments was enjoyed and appreciated after a hot morning of trash removal. Many thanks to Doug McFarland who organized the project and prepared the BBQ!Again, we could not accomplish these important conservation and restoration projects without the support of our TU chapter volunteers.Thank you to the following participants!Peter Kohler   Loren Kohler   Don Cushing   Bill HoneyfieldDuane Van deVentner   Jim Rasmussen    Derek HankinsJohn Aaron   Ray Carney   Bob MillerSusan Miller   Alan Whitehead   Jim Klug   Kent HigginsChris Burros    Richard Pilatzke    Jim Stranahan    Bob DiCarloDoug McFarland    Jordan Pogue    Mike PogueEach of our volunteers earned a raffle ticket making them eligible for our 2011 Cutthroat Chapter Conservation Volunteer Recognition Award Raffle to be held at our annual auction. See our website, for details! Hope to see you at our August 20th Gill Trail Project!It is good to know the river is healthy, lots of bugs!