2012 Conservation Volunteer Recognition Award Raffle

Come out and support our many Conservation, Preservation and Restoration Project Volunteer Opportunities!  This year we will be making several great fishing awards available to our volunteers through a new raffle to be held at our annual Conservation Auction in November.

To be eligible for one of these awards, just participate in Conservation Projects, River Watch and Temperature Monitoring Activities.  You will earn one raffle ticket for each event you take part in.  The more you volunteer, the better your chances of winning!  The raffle will be held at our annual auction and you must be present to participate in the drawing.This year, the first place award will be a float trip on the Colorado River donated by our Cutthroat Chapter member Ray Carney.  An additional fishing oriented awards will be announced soon.Come join us!For additional information, please call Jim Klug @ 303-953-8046.