Earth Day on Bear Creek - Conservation Project and Fishing Competition

On April 27, 2019 the City of Lakewood celebrated Earth Day by hosting a volunteer work day at Bear Creek Lake Park.  On that beautiful Saturday no less than 26 members and friends of the Cutthroat Chapter dropped by to help out.  Our volunteers planted ten large native cottonwood trees along the creek.  Those trees were donated by our chapter utilizing funds our members raise for these conservation projects.  These trees will help shade the creek and will provide improved riparian habitat for wildlife both terrestrial and aquatic.  We were very pleased to learn from the park rangers that they had 100% survival of the trees we planted last year!  That was due in part to the year-long care of those rangers in periodically watering those new trees.  With any luck these new trees will fare just as well.  After a delicious lunch provided by the City, a dozen of these CCTU volunteers chose to stick around for the 3rd Annual CCTU Fishing Contest on Bear Creek.  Cyndy Scholz gave fellow anglers a lesson by winning the contest with a beautiful 18" rainbow trout taken and released along the Fox Hollow Golf Course.  The CCTU board wishes to thank all the volunteers and the City for a wonderful event.