A Cutthroat Stalwart Has Passed…

The Cutthroat Chapter is sad to note the passing of one of our most respected chapter members – Walter “Bud” McAlister.  Bud will be remembered for his devotion to cold water conservation and especially his passion for fly tying.  Bud provided thousands of flies for our raffles and fundraisers, did fly tying demonstrations at many venues, assisted disabled vets at our Crystal Lake trips, and especially loved to teach fly tying to youngsters.  Bud passed away on May 20th at the age of 78 after a short battle with aggressive cancer. True to his nature, Bud went fishing just six days before he died.  A memorial fund for Bud, the “Bud Fund”, is being set up to remember this respected Cutthroat member.  Donations may be made at chapter meetings.