Rock Creek Greenback Cutthroat Trout Reintroduction Progress - COMPLETED AUGUST 31, 2017

On Thursday, 8/31, five members of the Cutthroat Chapter Ready Response Team and nine other members of CTU joined together near the town of Jefferson in South Park.  The team headed by Jeff Spohn and Paul Winkle of CPW were working on the second phase of reintroducing our endangered state fish back into Rock Creek, part of the South Platte River watershed.  Last fall CCTU gave $4000 for the planning of a fish barrier on Rock Creek that will protect the Greenback Cutthroat Trout from invasion by competing fish and disease.  On Thursday, the volunteers got to see the completed barrier and they helped in removing non-native fish in preparation for stocking Rock Creek with Greenbacks.  The waters must now be monitored for whirling disease for from three to five years and when the waters are deemed safe the Greenbacks can be returned to their original home.  In the meanwhile the connecting Black Canyon Creek is being readied and work may begin there sometime next year.