Call for Volunteers

On Saturday August 5 Cutthroat Chapter will partner with CUSP for the first of two projects this season in the Horse Creek drainage near Deckers. This area continues to suffer from the 2002 Hayman Fire and we will continue our efforts to stabilize the soils and prevent habitat destruction in and around the South Platte River. This is part of a multi-year project and we would appreciate any help our chapter members can provide.We will meet in the parking lot of the Deckers Community Hall (behind Flies and Lies) on Saturday August 5 promptly at 9am. Work will go until about 3pm. Cutthroat Chapter will provide a lite breakfast of donuts and muffins along with bottled waters. We will carpool to a site nearby for the work day. The site will involve a hike of about a quarter mile which might take 20 minutes. Bring your own gloves if you prefer though gloves, tools, and safety equipment will be provided by CUSP. Workers are expected to pack in their own water, lunch, and rain gear along with some provided tools. Long pants, long sleeves, and sturdy boots are advised. We will be constructing erosion control methods such as sill log structures, log erosion barriers, flying v’s, and rolling log structures, further reducing sedimentation into the Upper South Platte River. This project should be considered physically strenuous.After this project many of us will stick around to fish in the Deckers area. Everyone is welcome, and if new anglers so desire they should be able to team up with a seasoned angling veteran for advice.For more information or to volunteer please contact George Franklin at or at 303.902.9827. Contact with George prior to the event is requested so the appropriate amount of food can be brought along for breakfast.