Cutthroat Chapter Ready Response Volunteers help with the Greenback Recovery Program

The Cutthroat Chapter Ready Response Volunteers in action!  Jim Rasmussen and Peter King got up at 4am and made the drive north to Zimmerman Lake for a Greenback Cutthroat Trout Recovery event.  Lake Zimmerman (west of Ft. Collins at ~11,000 ft.) is the only lake in the US that is stocked with greenback cutthroat.  CPW is improving the gene pool by conducting spawning on these very healthy, wild fish and then taking the eggs to fish hatcheries in Colorado.  They set long nets in the lake and left them overnight.  In the morning they collected the fish from a central trap and sorted them by gender and tags.  Then they collected the eggs and milt, mixed them and stored them on ice for transport.  Jim and Peter assisted on the last day of a four day project.  It was a great experience as the lake is remote and very beautiful, and the fish were big and healthy! Great project as it's designed to help the survival of this endangered trout.