Earth Day 2017 Bear Creek Conservation Project and Fishing Contest – RECAP FROM 4/22/17

In spite of a snowy start, over a dozen CCTU members and friends were ready to work with the City of Lakewood to help restore neglected lower Bear Creek on April 22.  As the sun broke out into a beautiful spring day we helped Lakewood Rangers plant 700 saplings of native dogwood, chokecherry, and plum along the stream.  After lunch we had a low key fishing contest in order to supply CPW with angling data as they prepare to do their part to restore this urban fishery.  Fish were landed within yards of busy streets and residential neighborhoods.  Contest awards were given for the largest fish (10.5" smallmouth), largest trout (10" brown), fastest fly (first angler to send a picture of their catch- only 37 minutes!), and most flies lost (ten!!).  CPW is so encouraged by these results that they plan to electrofish survey this urban stretch for the first time on September 12, 2017.  We hope that Cutthroat members will be willing to volunteer on that day as we attempt to conserve, restore, and protect this urban fishery.  If you are interested in helping on that day please contact George Franklin at or at (303) 902-9827.Go to the CCTU YouTube page to see a video of rising brown trout taken day, only yards from a bike path. the original event notice here.