Horse Creek Restoration Project

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY – Horse Creek Restoration ProjectSaturday, May 21st at 9am in Deckers, CO.Horse Creek, which joins the South Platte River at Deckers dumps a tremendous amount of Hayman fire generated sediment in the river every time it rains in the area.  As a small start to recovery of the South Platte in the Deckers Area, the Cutthroat Chapter is joining with the Coalition for the Upper South Platte (CUSP)  to plant willows in an infamous section of Horse Creek known as ‘the swamp’.  A few years ago the swamp filled with logs and debris and the loggers of CUSP removed much of the wood, leaving the area denuded of vegetation.  The purpose of this day’s work will be to plant native willow slips in this area.The day begins at 9am in Deckers, CO behind Flies n’ Lies fly shop.  Lunch will be provided and the day’s work usually ends around 3:30pm, which leaves plenty of time to fish.If you’d like to join us, contact Jim Rasmussen by phone (303) 773-2772 or email.See the CUSP flyer for even more details.