Thank You Note from CUSP

2016.07.25 CUSP thankyou12016.07.25 CUSP thankyou2

Here is a little summary of our last conservation project on July 23. with the Coalition for the Upper South Platte.
Thank you to the thirteen volunteers who worked very hard on a hot day to eliminate the Musk Thistle, Canada Thistle and Mullen population along the road and river bank from the Deckers stores to the cable delineating private property on the South Platte River.  You all know and have fished this famous stretch of the South Platte.  Our crew and CUSP made a very good efficient team and by working together the project was completed 2 hours early.  As a result of our efforts, 18 full sized garbage bags were filled with the buds and flowers of the thistle plants which were subsequently destroyed by CUSP.  This was an important accomplishment as each flower can produce up to 2500 individual seeds.
The attached link contains photos that depict the days efforts and results.  Also, there is a photo of the new truck CUSP purchased with the help of our chapters donation.