Gill Trail Work Wrap-up

On a beautiful Saturday June 4th morning eight members of CCTU and four members of CUSP (Coalition for the Upper South Platte) met at Deckers to finish the Gill Trail Maintenance project begun last year. We concentrated on the first half mile of the upper trail, and when all said and done we had accomplished quite a bit of work. According to Emma Ravage of CUSP we repaired 150 ft of trail tread, built 15 check dams, extended 3 rock steps, built 5 new rock steps, and built two water bars, and blocked a host of social trails. That was a ton of work, and these projects go a long way toward protecting the watershed and keeping hikers, fishermen, and fisherwomen safe. At the CCTU board meeting the following week thanks had already been heard from three guides out of Blue Quill Anglers who saw us hard at work and really appreciated our efforts. Many thanks to the hardworking volunteers that included Mark Hasseman, Greg Ledges, Derek Hankins, Bill Wiebesiek, Michael Brandt, Eric Philyaw, and Ted Philyaw.Come join us for the next conservation project at Deckers on Saturday, July 23. Details are on the CCTU website at this link, by George Franklin