Taylor Edrington
Taylor Edrington was raised in the fly fishing industry, and studied on the river under the tutelage of such greats as Gary Lafontaine, Mel Krieger, Chuck Fothergill, Mike Lawson and his father Bill Edrington. Suma Cum Laude graduate of the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado, Taylor now owns and operates Royal Gorge Anglers on the Arkansas River. Prior to his ownership of Royal Gorge, Taylor grew up guiding and instructing on the Arkansas, South Platte, and Gunnison Rivers and various other Rocky Mountain watersheds.
For just shy of a decade, Taylor guided in both Central and Southwestern Alaska as well as Argentina, and is a US Coast Guard Certified Saltwater Captain. Along with his fly-fishing pursuits in the US, Taylor has hosted fly-fishing adventure travel for clients on 6 continents through his global adventure travel business, The Fly Fishing Adventure Company and holds three fly rod world records.
Taylor is also a regularly contributing author of Fly Fisherman Magazine, The Drake and Field & Stream. Beyond the details, Taylor is an extreme advocate for fishery conservation and simply strives to build awareness about the sport of fly-fishing for all ages.
This month’s pre-meeting fly tying demonstration is Scott Stisser. You can read more about Scott’s background here. The fly tying demonstration will begin at 6:00PM. You’re sure to learn something by coming to the meeting early!
Our monthly meetings are FREE and occur on the third Tuesday of every month.
Meeting Location: Lone Tree Brewing Company, 8200 Park Meadows Drive, Lone Tree, CO 80124.
The meeting doors open about 6pm for fly tying, fish stories, catching up with old friends, and meeting new friends. The meetings start at 6:30pm.
Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85600156892?pwd=VVF6MzV4Vk9EdVJ3YXhqS0hGcVpTdz09
Meeting ID: 856 0015 6892
Passcode: Cutthroat
One-tap mobile:
+17193594580,,85600156892#,,,,*576754530# US
+16694449171,,85600156892#,,,,*576754530# US
Our meetings deliver helpful information related to conservation projects for coldwater fisheries, fishing events and trips, and other fishing related topics. We have a wide range of guest speakers including local guides revealing secrets about their home waters, and representatives from Colorado Parks and Wildlife giving updates on the health of our local fisheries.
See you there!