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CCTU April Chapter Meeting - LIVE Online!



Tuesday, APRIL 21, 6:30 PM

Unlock the secrets of the Bighorn River with a fly fishing and fly tying event by Eddy Wittry.  .  Eddy owns a unique DIY lodge on the Bighorn, has fished the river for 30 years, and knows that water and its bugs as well as anyone.  Eddy will review his systematic approach to the Big Horn River in Fort Smith, Montana, including reading the water, entomology, and fly selection.  His true “secret” of the Bighorn is the use of a seine.  Good vs great days = the size of the sowbug first, and then knowing what else is in the water.  The seine reveals the patterns that locals fish, little known by visitors.  From 6:30 to 7:00 he will conduct a fly tying demo of the river’s most effective and simple patterns.  Learn the RSIII, Black Quill Skinny Nelson, and the importance of light gray baetis emergers vs. the dark gray most people fish.

 Eddy will tie his favorite Bighorn patterns 6:30-7pm, with the presentation starting at 7pm.

 CCTU’s first “Live” online presentation is incredibly easy to join.  No software required!  You can interact and ask questions with Eddy “Live!”

How to join the presentation – Get to the video presentation by clicking on the link below.  You can hear audio through the link as well, but it is easier and recommended to use your phone for the audio portion (via the call-in #).  You can join the presentation at 6:30pm for the Fly Tying or at 7pm for the main presentation.

·       Click on the link

·       Enter your name and hit “return”

·       Eddy will let you into the “room” so you can view the presentation screen

·       Call into (213) 226-1066 for the audio portion

·       Enter the meeting PIN 591109665 followed by the #

·       Mute your phone or computer/tablet unless you want to ask a question