The Cutthroat Chapter will host Project Healing Waters disabled veterans this year on Wednesday, June 26th. This will be the seventh consecutive year that Cutthroat has hosted this event. We expect 10 veterans from Denver and Pueblo at this event. Volunteers should meet at the Park & Ride T-Rex lot that is off I-70 and US 40 in Golden. Car pools will leave at 7am. We will combine vehicles and carpool to Crystal Lake. Crystal Lake is located 5 miles from Leadville on Highway 24 in the upper Arkansas drainage. From Denver, take I-70 to the Copper Mountain exit, drive over Fremont Pass to Leadville, and follow highway 24 out of Leadville. We do have 25 chapter volunteers already, but if you are interested in helping with the event, please contact Richard Pilatzke at (303) 979-8425 or