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CCTU January Chapter Mtg - Katrina Hettinger on Grizzly Mine Restoration Project

  • Lone Tree Brewing Company 8200 Park Meadows Drive Lone Tree, CO, 80124 United States (map)

Katrina Hettinger on the Grizzly Mine Restoration Project

Katrina is the Front Range Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) Project Manager of the TU Western Water & Habitat Program. She will be speaking on the Grizzly Mine, which is located in the Souther Rocky Mountains in the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests. The mine is about six miles southwest of Silver Plume in Clear Creek County, Colorado at 10,800 feet. The project site resides within what was historically known as the Argentine Mining District and is adjacent to Grizzly Gulch in the Headwaters of Clear Creek. The mine operated from the early 1870s to the late 1950s, with the primary mineral production output consisting of silver, lead, and zinc.

Today, there are some 500,000 abandoned mines across the western U.S. Many of these AML sites chronically leak heavy metals and other toxic substances into streams and groundwater, degrading the environment and popular trout streams. In the western U.S., roughly 140,000 AML sites have been identified as posing physical or environmental hazards. TU is committed to protecting trout streams from adverse impacts associated with abandoned mines and has made giant strides to date in restoring impaired streams - one mine at a time.

This month’s pre-meeting demonstration will begin at 6:00PM. You’re sure to learn something by coming to the meeting early!


Our monthly meetings are FREE and occur on the third Tuesday of every month.

Meeting Location: Lone Tree Brewing Company, 8200 Park Meadows Drive, Lone Tree, CO 80124.

The meeting doors open about 6pm for fly tying, fish stories, catching up with old friends, and meeting new friends. The meetings start at 6:30pm.

Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 856 0015 6892
Passcode: Cutthroat
One-tap mobile:

  • +17193594580,,85600156892#,,,,*576754530# US

  • +16694449171,,85600156892#,,,,*576754530# US

Our meetings deliver helpful information related to conservation projects for coldwater fisheries, fishing events and trips, and other fishing related topics. We have a wide range of guest speakers including local guides revealing secrets about their home waters, and representatives from Colorado Parks and Wildlife giving updates on the health of our local fisheries.

See you there!